How To Make $40+ A Day With PaidVerts - Best Strategy

What is PaidVerts? 

make money with paidvertsPaidverts is an advertising/PTC (Paid To Click) website that pays its members for clicking on advertisements and visiting the advertisers websites. It was launched on March 31, 2014 by MyTrafficValue, a crowd-funding platform where people invest money to help develop profitable
products and share the revenue.

The reason why Paidverts is a game changer in the PTC game is because its members can earn a lot more money than its possible at other PTC sites. And on top of that, it allows its members to grow their earnings potential the more they interact and participate on the website. Some of the top members are earning up to $200 for viewing one 30 seconds advertisement. The best thing about Paidverts is that anyone can join and start earning money, it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a pro, everyone can join and start earning money today.

How To Start Earning?

It is really easy to start earning cash money from Paidverts. Follow the steps below to get your account set up.

Step 1: Create your account at Paidverts, Click here to register.

Step 2: Activate Your Account
When you first create your account and login, you will not be able to start earning money right away. This is because your account is "inactive". You'll need to activate your account by viewing "Activation Ads". The "Activation Ads" will give you "BAP" or "Bonus Ad Points".

"BAPs" are the proprietary currency in Paidverts, and the only way for you to earn money. This is because in order for you to receive "Paid Ads", the ads that actually pay you money, you need to have "BAPs" available in your account. "Paid ads" require and consume Bonus Ad Points (BAP) as they're issued to you. You'll receive paid ads daily until your all your BAP is consumed. This BAP system is how Paidverts has changed the game, because the more you accumulate, the more higher value "Paid Ads" you'll receive each single day. The Paidverts system groups members into 14 different groups according to how many BAP they have.

Here is a list of all BAP groups at PaidVerts:
BAP Group 1 ........ 1600 to 12000 BAP
BAP Group 2 ........ 12000 to 24000 BAP
BAP Group 3 ........ 24k to 48k BAP
BAP Group 4 ........ 48k to 96k BAP
BAP Group 5 ........ 96k to 180k BAP
BAP Group 6 ........ 180k to 360k BAP
BAP Group 7 ........ 360k to 720k BAP
BAP Group 8 ........ 720k to 1.5m BAP
BAP Group 9 ........ 1.5m to 3m BAP
BAP Group 10 ....... 3m to 6m BAP
BAP Group 11 ....... 6m to 20m BAP
BAP Group 12 ....... 20,000,000+ BAP
BAP Group 13 ....... 50,000,000+ BAP
BAP Group 14 ....... 100,000,000+ BAP

Each BAP is worth $0.0005, so the more BAP you have the more money you'll make. You are going to want to climb all the way up to group 6, that is where you'll be able to make a good income everyday.

Step 3: Accumulate BAP and Grow Your Account to Group 6
Now that you now that having a high amount of BAP is the only way for you to earn a nice amount of money, you're probably wondering, How can you get so much BAP?. Below, I have detailed the two ways that you can use to accumulate BAP and get to group 6.

*The Free Method - (will take a long time)
As a member of Paidverts, you'll recieve, for free, 8 x 50 BAP ads every day. This will give you 400 BAP, but since the system takes 100 BAP as "tax" daily" you'll end up with 300 BAP which will deliver $0.15 (300*0.0005) worth of "Paid Ads" to your account as soon as possible. So basically, you just have to click through the daily "Paid Ad" issued to you every day. You also have the option to request 4 "Micro Ads Pack" per day that deliver 12 low value ads to your account instantly, which will help you earn more quickly.

Once you have earned at least $1.05, you'll go and buy a "Bulk ads" pack. "Bulk ads" is one of the advertising package that advertisers are able to purchase. "Bulk ads" are sold in packs of 1, each costing $1.05.

1 Bulk ad pack will give the following:
25x 728*90 banner impression
100x 125*125 banner impression
50x 30 second visit to your website
**3100 Bonus Ad Points will be added to your account

The 3100 Bonus Ad Points (BAP) is what we want. So, you spend $1.05 and get $1.55 worth of "Paid Ads". Can you see the earnings potential here? Now, just keep clicking through your daily "Paid Ads" and "Micro Ads Pack" everyday and re-investing 100% of your earnings by buying "Bulk ads" in order to accumulate BAP and get to group 6. The only downside to this method is that it will take you a long time, but if you have the time and patience, then you will start some good money.

*The Investment Method - (The Fastest Way - Highly Recommended)
As mentioned above 1 Bulk ad pack will give 3100 BAP. So, by following the investment method, what you want to do is invest some of your own money, by buying enough Bulk ads pack to get you to group 6 instantly.

How Much to Invest?
If you have the money available to invest, anything between $30-100 dollars would be ideal.

The recommended investment would be to buy 100 Bulk ad packs, which will give 310,000 BAP. Putting you at the top end of group 6.

The goal is to get to group 6 (180k to 360k BAP). But you do not want to end up at the lower end of the group, you want to end close to the top (close to the 360k). The reason for this is because you do not want to drop below group 6, remember that receiving "Paid ads" consume BAP. By being close to the top end of the group, you'll be able to keep on receiving "Paid ads" until you get close to the lower end of the group and then re-invest some of your earnings to get all the way up to the top end. Just keep on repeating this process to remain in group 6 and earning the maximum possible.

The 70/30 Re-Investment Strategy

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Once you get to the top end of group 6 (the 360k) and you get close to the lower end (180k) by receiving "Paid ads", you want to take 70% of your earnings and re-invest it by purchasing Bulk ad packs, which will bring you back up to the top end again.

For example: You have 310,000 BAP and you receive enough "Paid ads" to get you to 185,000. 310,000 - 185,000 = 125,000 which will give you $62.50 (125,000*0.0005). You will take $44 (62.50*0.70) and re-invest it, which will bring your BAP balance to the top end again and give a couple thousand more.

The other 30% you can keep it in your account balance for withdrawal or to buy shares. Yes, you can buy shares in Paidverts, which you can sell at anytime. If you wish to keep on growing your account past group 6, the best way is to buy shares with the remaining 30%. Buy enough shares until you the required amount to sell for BAP that will get you to at least the middle of the next group in one payment. And since shares usually go up in price, you'll get 5-20% more BAP than saving the money in your account. 

Click Here To Sign-up Today

Now that you now how to start making money with Paidverts, sign up and put what you have learned here to work. Its all about making money and this is an opportunity that you can't pass on.

Payment Proof

Your Comments are very important to us. So, if you have any questions about how to get started or need some guidance with this program, feel free to leave a comment below. Or, if you have your own tactics with this program, please share with us. Thank you for visiting our website.

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  1. Please would love to know if i invest the money how long will it take to start recieving the $40 a day...

  2. I have 24000+ baps but the highest as I am getting is just $.01 why is it so. M getting impatient thinking of quitting. What shall I do? Plz guide....

  3. Brother i am now on group 2 .. and they deducted 500 baps . Why that happen.???

  4. I want to know on every group how much baps they will detuct. So i can plan my earning and investment. Please help me

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